17 July 2012

Spotted: Maybelline on offer, 2 for £4

Maybelline nail polish, two for £4 at ASDA. Includes the Forever Strong Pro and Express Finish 40 Seconds ranges, ends 26th July. I picked these two:

Maybelline Express Finish 40 Seconds - Cosmic Flash

Cosmic Flash - the glitters in this shift from green to blue to purple depending on the light. This really brightened my day, I keep tilting it this way and that to look at the colours.

Maybelline Forever Strong Pro - Nude Rose

Nude Rose - a creme finish light rose pink that should fill a gap in my collection.

They had a gorgeous turquoise shimmer, but I have two of those already. Most of the shades are in the pink - purple part of the spectrum but there were a few brighter colours if that's your thing. Sorry I didn't take a picture of them all, I'm feeling a bit exhausted and didn't think to snap them!


  1. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have to get down to asda I need a new nude ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I've deleted this comment actually, because it wasn't fair to the other lady I removed due to a blog link. Feel free to email it to me, and I think I'll clarify the policy!


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